The Importance of Teams in the Life of the Church

Cultivating Really Great Teams for your Church can make all the difference.

Church teams are a critical component of fruitful ministry and mission. Most of the plans for the life and work of the church are developed by groups or teams. Teams make many of the decisions that define the church’s ministry and mission. They implement most of the work that is done. They are of great importance to the life of the church. Church teams deserve to get attention and help in becoming more effective instruments for the important work of the church. 

Is it hard to enlist members to be on teams in your church? Do members resist or dread the thought of being on a team?  Can you imagine being on a leadership or ministry team becoming one of the most meaningful, productive, and rewarding experiences of being the Church? 

Participation on a team provides the opportunity for church members to form relationships with others in their faith community, to develop and accomplish common goals in service to Christ. Thus, teams are not just instrumental to complete particular tasks, but also facilitate the formation of Christian community. The skills and practices gained through participation on a team are invaluable. As team members learn to listen, share, study, argue, plan, and act together, they not only carry out the work of the church but live their faith by sharing in the common life and ministry of the team. 

One of the most effective ways to strengthen, renew and transform the life of your Church can be accomplished by supporting and cultivating really great teams for every part of your church’s life. Paying attention to not only what we do, but also how we do it, empowering one another in cultivating and using the gifts God has given us for the sake of the whole makes all the difference for team members and for the church.