Faithful and fruitful leadership retreats

One church I have worked with scheduled an annual formation retreat at a time each year when new members would join the leadership team.  They met one another as if for the first time wearing a new hat.  The focus was on clarifying the roles and discovering the gifts each brought.  They named and committed to embracing a set of norms that the group believed would make them a really great team.  We clarified together how the group would make decisions, how they would share power and influence, and how the agenda would get developed for their meetings.  They committed themselves to learning from the experience of each meeting to become an even better team giving feedback to one another at the end.  Every member looked forward to the team meetings.  This annual retreat has been repeated for over 10 years now and is claimed as a key practice as they begin each new year.

At the Center for Parish Development we believe being a Christian is a Team Sport and becoming a really great team doesn’t just happen.  Consider a Leadership Retreat this year to strengthen and support all the groups, ministries, and governing teams in your church. The cohesiveness, effectiveness, and efficiency of teams in your church directly impact on the faithfulness and fruitfulness of your church in responding to God’s call.

We’ve recently launched a new resource that allows us to work alongside church leaders in helping plan and customize what a retreat for your leaders might look like. Take a look on our store to learn more at Leadership Retreat Consultation.

by Ray Schulte