Wilderness Assumptions #2: Context Matters

The church is called to bring the good news of the kingdom into engagement with the deep yearnings and concrete challenges of its worldly context.

Implications for the church’s learning: How can we begin to discover the contours of the current wilderness we experience?  What have we lost? What have we not lost?  What are we to learn?  What are the implications for our life and ministry? How might we cultivate redemptive relationships in community? How can we partner with neighbors in our ministry setting? How will we move beyond coffee-hour relationships with each other, or member enlistment strategies with neighbors, and meet one another in newer and deeper ways of caring and supporting? Here are some ways to begin.

Reflection questions:

  1. What do we want to create together that would make the difference?
  2. What can we create together that  we could not create alone?

Put it into practice:

  • Engage with a segment of the  Bible Study People of Salt and Life reflecting together on what it would mean for your church to more fully exist for the sake of the world.
  • Invite key leaders and members of your wider community to join your church using this free resource in a Community Dialogue to name assets, trends (challenges and opportunities) that are present in your community.  Consider together what is possible if you work together. 
  • Share with one another inspiring stories of how people have reached out to support the most vulnerable.